Benefits »

Why lead an open project?

  • Maximize your project's impact

    By sharing your work openly and in real-time others can immediately begin learning from, citing, and building upon it. By documenting your progress and engaging the community, you'll be making your research that much more robust, resproducible, and impactful.

  • Drive progress as a leader in your field

    As the leader of an open research project you will benefit from significantly increased exposure. You won't be just a name on a paper, all your work will be documented, and it will be very clear exactly who did the work. People will become intimately familiar your work, and look to you as a leader in the field.

  • Reward contribution from the scientific community

    Despite how valuable it is, getting feedback can be hard. We do our best to reward it. First, users benefit from the public recognition as they share their expertise publicly. Second, all discussions have DOIs and are citable documents. And finally, a points system allows us to publish a project impact leaderboard. If your project has Contributor Rewards posted, people can even earn some money!