Microbial resistance to disinfectants in animal shelters [MicrobeResist]

Introduction to the ThinkLab pilot

I'd just like to give a brief introduction to ThinkLab and the pilot that is taking place.

ThinkLab introduction

I created ThinkLab with the mission to bring about a world in which scientists share their research openly, in real-time, while collaborating with peers worldwide. ThinkLab is an open collaboration platform and it's also a funding platform. It's a funding platform because I believe it had to be in order provide incentives for the broader scientific community to participate fully.

As a starting point I reached out to Jonathan due to his advocacy and involvement with open science. We agreed to do a small-scale pilot. That pilot is Holly's project: Microbial resistance to disinfectants in animal shelters.

My hope is that we'll be able to get some good conversation happening on the platform and this project can serve as an example for when we launch publicly. All of your comments will remain public and it's very possible the site could receive significant traffic. (At least that will be the idea)

Notes on the pilot

Your imagination is required

Because this is a pilot there are a few things that make this not quite real. Normally getting funded on the platform is a competitive process. That's why there is a proposal and that's why there is peer review. In this case it's kind of understood that the project will get funded. However, I ask that you please try to imagine that you are competing against other possible projects and that therefore peer review is important.

Feel free to invite others

If you think of someone that might like to follow along and contribute anything to the project please feel free to invite them. Just send them the URL and username and password:

user: eisen
pass: pilot

But, please don't share this publicly

As ThinkLab has not launched publicly yet I'd like to ask that everyone please refrain from tweeting/blogging about us. The site is only accessible if you have the password.

Cite this as
Jesse Spaulding (2014) Introduction to the ThinkLab pilot. Thinklab. doi:10.15363/thinklab.d6

Creative Commons License
